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March 27, 2003 - 1:36 p.m.

Last night Mike went out while I tucked Zachary into bed and returned with chocolate frozen custard for me.

What a sweetie.

Then I took a shower and curled up in bed with a book. It's been one of those weeks.

Tuesday was Marcus's 9 month old well baby visit. Since I wasn't expecting any shots this time (Zachary's immunization schedule skipped this visit) and we are seeing a new doctor, I brought Zachary along with us so he could visit the new office without being the object of scrutiny or seeing needles stuck into his brother.

My boys had a wonderful time playing with the bead track in the waiting room and then shredding the paper on the table in the examination room. (Marcus will rip up anything he can right now. We're limited to reading board books to him.) Zachary even wanted to lend a hand in Marcus's examination and kept asking the doctor to check his eyes again.

I winced when the nurse noticed that Marcus was behind on his vaccinations. Shortages last fall had left our previous pediatrician without some prevnar and polio vaccines. So Marcus ended up with shots anyway, to catch up. Zachary handled it very well (he hates it when Marcus cries) but was quite ready to leave when it was all over. For doing so well, I took him through the drive through at Burger King and got him his own kid's meal, complete with a Sponge Bob doll.

Neither of us are really sure what to do with it.

And so began the postimmunization saga of Cranky Baby. Marcus is generally such a mild tempered boy that prolonged fussiness turns him into a completely different child. The fever didn't help, either. Fortunately for all of us, he napped a lot Tuesday and Wednesday. This hasn't helped that whole sleeping-through-the-night thing, though. Today he seems to be back to his cheery self.

Marcus's first word is definitely "bye bye." He said it when we started out of the garage Tuesday morning. At dinner, he dropped his spoon over the side of his high chair and waved to it, cooing "bye bye bye bye." Too cute.

Zachary has rediscovered his sit-n-spin. I'm going to have one dizzy child by day's end...


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