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April 01, 2003 - 3:11 p.m.

I am quickly coming to the conclusion that my son (the first one) will eat anything so long as it a)contains cheese or any close relative in the dairy family or b)is breaded and fried. Bananas are the sole exception. And there's always room for dessert.

David dropped by last night with two tins of mint fudge, which Zachary has been trying to get his hands on all day. He thinks they're pies, but that's ok by him (still dessert). He's attempting to convince me that allowing him to have some is an educational experience by repeatedly spelling p-i-e, pie. Recently, he's thrown in "spoon starts with s" for added incentive. I'm debating whether or not to let him have any. He already downed 8 ounces of hi-c fruit punch at lunchtime, which ought to do him for his daily allowance of sugar, but he also ate his chicken nuggets and for that I'm overjoyed. Usually the only meat he will ingest is the occasional fish stick... and I'm not sure that really qualifies.

His eating habits in the past month, however, have begun to broaden. He has discovered peanut butter and crackers, chicken nuggets, and yogurt in flavors other than key lime. I am hoping that vegetables in any form other than v-8 splash might be next...

But I won't hold my breath.

The weekend was much fun, even though it snowed. (Mother Nature's "April Fool" a couple days early.) We were able to spend a great deal of time with good friends and I learned a freaking weird card game as well as basic jewelry making and completed a single decade rosary :) FoxPhotog's lady kindly took my sewing machine in for a tune-up along with her machine that needs repair and I hope that I will have a plan for its use by the time it comes back from the shop next week. Going 14th century for Sapphire Joust :)


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