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April 25, 2003 - 9:16 a.m.

My boys are very vocal this week. Zachary has learned several songs, like "On Top of Spaghetti" and "The Bear Went Over the Mountain," which he sings in the car or as he plays in the living room or in the bath. He sings a lot right now. I have no idea if this is typical for small children or indicative of how he will sing later on, but Zack can't carry a tune at all.

Marcus has been picking up the melodies from him. Yesterday, as we returned from the library, Zachary was singing "Elmo's Song," mostly the la-la-la, la-la-la-laalaa part. And Marcus could mimic it right back at him. It was extremely cute.

Zack also mimics, so we have to be very careful about what we say around him. Some results are darling, however.

One of the peculiar habits you develop as a parent is leaving the bathroom door open. But Zachary likes to keep all doors closed right now. He's my little door monitor. If there's an open door in the apartment, he seems to sense it and is compelled to hunt it down and close it. So he followed me to close the door. I hadn't bothered to flip the light on, since the door was open when I sat down, but Zachary didn't consider this until the door was shut. Since there's no nightlight in this bathroom, it was quite dark.

"Oh," Zack said in the same manner I do when things go in ways I didn't plan, "this is bad..."


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