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May 01, 2003 - 3:56 p.m.

And so it begins.

My boys are fighting over everything. They want each other's toys. They want each other's food. And neither want to share. Zachary used to just take whatever he wanted from Marcus and play with it out of his little brother's reach. Now Marcus can crawl after him and take it back. So Zachary is trying "trades." When Marcus has something he wants, Zachary will find one of Marcus' other toys and bring it to him. "Here, Marcus. You like this." And then he swipes whatever Marcus was playing with.

Today, Marcus started a poking contest that Zachary could not seem to extricate himself from. Marcus was laughing hysterically, poking his pudgy hand at Zachary. Zachary was slapping at him and trying to push him away, yelling "No, Marcus!"

Marcus has started finger foods and Zachary now wants his share of veggie wagon wheels and arrowroot cookies. Marcus will crawl happily away to steal Zachary's sippy cup and drink from it. Yesterday morning, Mike left his commuter mug of coffee on the endtable. Fortunately, Marcus has a warning sound of smacking lips that he makes when he's on the hunt and I moved the mug before he could get to it.


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