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May 14, 2003 - 2:53 p.m.

By elsworthy's challenge...

  1. Smooth, Carlos Santana
    This one was on the radio when I was pregnant with Zachary. I would crank up the stereo and he'd kick to the beat. After he was born I bought the single and we danced around the living room together. It's still one of my favorite "beat the blues" songs.
  2. If Not for You, George Harrison
    This one's for my husband, without whom "the winter would hold no spring."
  3. Solsbury Hill, Peter Gabriel
    A song that I've always suspected doesn't mean what I think it does. But, to me, it's about conversion, courage, and awareness of divinity.
  4. 17, Jethro Tull
    Just because it was my favorite song when I was.
  5. Get Over It, The Eagles
    For my shift in political viewpoint, 1996.
  6. I'm Counting on You, Chris de Burgh
    Mostly because I hold high aspirations for my children and a little because I couldn't find a reason to put Don't Pay the Ferryman onto this list ;)
  7. I Won't Back Down, Tom Petty
    In finale, this serves as a tip of the hat to the album the Mike tried to memorize to impress me when we started dating as well as the song I try to remember in mantra.


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