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May 19, 2003 - 4:12 p.m.

Hello, I am a Pooka.
I live behind the bedroom door...

Zachary's adopting some strange habits this month. A few weeks ago he began running around the apartment, closing all the bedroom doors. He would even come to a complete halt in the middle of whatever else he was doing to check on and close a door. A week or so after that, he began announcing this action with a matter-of-fact "No rabbits!" Mike and I made Harvey jokes over it but have never been able to figure out what this obsession with closing the bedroom doors (and no others) has to do with rabbits. Zachary has seen a rabbit several times but never shows any fear of her and she's never been to our apartment.

And this morning it just got stranger. Zachary woke us well before dawn, climbing into our bed. I took him back to his own but he just returned a little while later, fussing and crying, and wiggled between Mike and me. He spent most of the morning after that saying "No rocks!" Unless he had some geological nightmare, I'm mystified.

Of course, my mind isn't running on full power today. I lost nearly all my free time and a good chunk of sleep to my own latest obsession this weekend - a new computer game. I generally don't care much for computer games. They either bore me quickly or make me motion sick. But my parents repaid my efforts to get their computer up and running last week with a gift of "The Sims." I figured I'd give it a whirl and get tired with it fairly easily, but no. Saturday morning, 2:30 am, and I'm still mucking with the freaking wallpaper in an imaginary bathroom and trying to cheer up a virtual lab technician who has difficulty getting along with other virtual friends. [sigh] I don't know if it's a simplistic sociology experiment or high tech dollhouses. Either way, it's very... difficult... to... stop... playing... ...Must... resist... expansion... software...


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