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May 26, 2003 - 10:59 p.m.

Marcus is picking up words left and right. Although I know he's at the age to expect this (it was amusing to watch David teach Regan to say DELETED! this weekend), I've been marveling at how much my own baby can say.

He asks for his favorite food by name - banana. He says and waves bye-bye. He calls for Mama, whispers for Dada, and has the same na-na-na-na-na chant that Zachary used at his age, which roughly translates to "give me some more cheerios."

Zachary is going through a new phase, too. I don't know if it's rebellion or just a new game he's invented for himself. Ask him to sit down at the table and he'll sit in every chair except his first. When he plays, he picks up every toy he has before getting to the one he had already chosen to begin with. All through these whole processes he says something like "No... that's not the right chair/toy/etc. Try again!" Replace all the r's in the previous sentance with w's and you get the right idea, anyway.

Maybe he's been playing too many games on the computer...

Oh - and our pooka has apparently left for other environs. All we ever found out about it was that it was yellow and, shortly after that information, that it was going home. That, so far as I know, is the last Zachary every mentioned it and he has not bothered with closing doors in days. But we're still hearing "no rocks!"


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