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May 30, 2003 - 10:29 a.m.

My desktop weather application has failed. It's currently reporting that it's 68 degrees outside... and shall continue to be so until the ending of the world ... at approximately 4:22 this afternoon. I wouldn't make any plans based on that, though. The Weather Channel can be pretty inaccurate sometimes.

This weekend is gearing up to be interesting around the house. Marcus is cutting his top teeth so he's not napping, not eating, and extremely crabby. My refrigerator is stuffed to critical density with those little water-filled teethers, which he goes through like kleenex: grab, gum, discard, cry. What he'll eat of his meals must be finger foods. He's had it with being spoon fed. Trouble is, he isn't go adept at actually getting the food into his mouth yet. Every meal ends half in his lap, smashed between his fingers, and all over his face. I'm honestly not certain how much of it makes it into his stomach. And each night's dinner usually has to be followed by a bath.

When Zachary hears the water in the tub, he comes running, clothes flying off him. (His superpower this week is the ability to repel garments.) I wouldn't mind if he were actually willing to bathe with his baby brother. But he wants the tub all to himself and is traumatized by the thought of sharing his bathtoys! Even a few inches of water is no environment to risk Zack pushing his brother down all the time, so I end up putting Zachary into the tub and squeezing poor Marcus into the sink. Marcus doesn't mind. He can reach the q-tips from the sink.

I know one day I shall miss this time in my life, but that will be through the haze of old age and memory loss.

I'm still playing The Sims, too. (Damn game) Thanks to Catullus's link, I can now set up an entire greco-roman neighborhood (damn game) right after I finish with a few upgrades to the modern homes I already have and can figure a way to reverse the effects of alien abduction on one of the sims who has pretty much been reduced to a 2 in all personality traits. (Damn game)

Returning the cable box to Cox today... Yeah, I have that growing feeling of dread, too.


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