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June 16, 2003 - 11:06 p.m.

I had forgotten what nail polish smells like. After some careful thought, I estimate the last time I bothered with the stuff was 1983. But one of my toenails has begun what could develop into a nasty split. It doesn't hurt - yet - but just give it the chance to snag on the bath towel or the interior of a sock and I'm going to be bitching about it for weeks. So the logical solution is a bottle of clear nail polish to hold everything together until it grows past the point of intense pain.

Yeah, here's how much of a girlie girl I am: It took me nearly 10 minutes in Target to find a bottle of nail polish. Yep, that's me - totally elf princess.

I did, however, succumb to that feminine compulsion (or maybe it was just the fumes - polish really does smell) to treat the other toes to the same dress up act. So here I sit with ten glossy piggies, wondering if I shouldn't have opted for the adhesive bit of a bandaid instead. It just feels weird...


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