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June 19, 2003 - 9:54 a.m.

I don't know if I'm getting old or developing different tastes... or both.

After finding the 20 Years of Jethro Tull boxed set on CD last month, I realized that I'm getting... bored with my current (albeit small) collection of music. This has been underscored by Yahoo!'s launch application, brought to my attention by balynar a while back. As I've been listening to and editing my personal station it's drifted from my standard rock and folk fare to blues, bluegrass, and, to my astonishment, jazz. Funk is kind of fun, too. I still haven't shed my stingy attitude about actually purchasing music, so I'm exploring the least expensive methods of expanding my cd library. Unfortunately, the Fairfax County libraries do not seem to devote as much of the acquisition funds into music as Chesterfield did, so the borrow-and-burn alternative is out.

Anyone have a stack of Charlie Parker cds they wouldn't mind lending me?

I am also faced with the whole mystique of jazz. Am I wrong here or does jazz also come with the reputation that you have to be quite knowledgeable, musically, to "get it?" This is the first time I've developed an interest in a music style that feels like I'm required to do intense research in order to listen to it...


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