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June 25, 2003 - 11:06 a.m.

colin-g came home last night and immediately asked if I had downloaded and run the ad-aware software he talked about on his diary yesterday.

Err... no.

So we did. Colin had found about 40 instances of spyware on his work computer, which he thought was pretty outrageous, so as the count on ours climbed past that number and beyond - well beyond - he began to get a little concerned. In the end the scan found 182 files, folders, and registration entries that could be linked to spyware. Two of them were particularly malicious. Eek! I have my fingers crossed that no serious secure information leaked but we'll have to keep an eye on things and perhaps run a credit report just to be certain.

Overreacting? Maybe, but, as the clich� goes, better safe than in a pickle later.

My little boys are enjoying a Little People video after a day of excitement and intense sibling contention. Nana and Papa came to bring Marcus his birthday presents this afternoon. Zachary still isn't used to them bringing anyone gifts except him. He thinks they're all for him. Marcus may not yet understand birthdays but he knows what neat toys are and the two of them have been pushing, shoving, and bickering with each other over Noah's Ark and the Air-Tivity Ball Popper since lunchtime. You'd think that 20 Fisher Price animals and a half dozen flying ping pong balls would be enough for them to share, like it or not, but no.

Of course not.

And the Teletubbies arrived today. Last week, to end the fights over Tinky Winky, I bought four gently used teletubbies on ebay - two for each of them. The package arrived today. Marcus claimed Po, the first one out of the box, and Zachary has been borderline tantrum ever since. Giving him his choice of Dipsy or LaaLaa did not placate him so he's learning to live with disappointment. Po is living in Marcus's crib for the time being.

Nearing the end of the video here, so I'm almost out of time. Thanks to everyone who has written to me about jazz. I do appreciate your advice and may be soliciting more soon. :)

Back to playing the referee. Where did I put that whistle...?


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