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July 08, 2003 - 2:31 p.m.

My neighbors have finally decided to take a break.

We live in a ground floor apartment right now, beneath a couple of townhomes. One of the residents over us is moving out. They began at about 8 this morning with a method (by the sound of it) of tying a pile of their stuff to a rickety old wooden dolly with metal caster wheels and shoving the lot down the stairs. All this was intermingled with dramatically heavy footsteps and the occasional wham of something like a box of bowling balls being dropped. And this isn't even the big stuff - just what they can pack into their personal vehicles. I hope they moved the furniture this weekend while we were gone...

I took the hour of Marcus's morning nap to log on to and look at what's for sale in our area. Crazy real estate market. I really need to start my school district and crime report research so I'll know what neighborhoods to avoid...

Anyone out there in or from Fairfax County, feel free to voice off your opinions for me.

Back to work...


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