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July 13, 2003 - 12:05 p.m.

Well, Marcus is successfully weaned now. He happily drinks whole milk and real fruit smoothies with his meals and I can chuck my nursing bras in the trash. I can also start concentrating on some serious weight loss. I'm still carrying about 5 pounds of pregnancy weight and another 5 of post-marriage weight I'd like to shed, putting me nicely at about 110. Roll your eyes if you will but I was 89 pounds when I went to college (18 and on a vegetarian diet - I have no delusions of being that skinny again) and 100 on my wedding day (due to some stress related weight loss). So I think I've set a reasonable goal. Part of our rent goes to the fitness center in our community so I might as well use it. The trick is finding the time to get there. The best, if not most desirable, time is 6am while Mike gets ready for work and the boys are still asleep. But I do not handle early mornings well. I made it there at 6:15 last Thursday and even after the quick walk in the morning air, my eyes were still refusing to focus...

It's all about retraining myself to function on thjoratime... and coffee. Lots of coffee...


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