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July 31, 2003 - 8:50 a.m.

Since we're saving up for a new home, I've cut back on my trips to Target - the place where I can't leave for less than $50. But the Marcus was out of diapers and wipes, so we had to risk it.

Usually, I buy generic wipes now. The Target brand unscented is my favorite. But they were out of stock that morning and I had to settle for "Fresh Baby Scent." I imagined some powdery sort of fragrance or perhaps a lotion scent. But when I opened the package... well, no baby on earth has ever smelled like this. It was repulsive and yet familiar. SCAdians will know exactly what I'm talking about - it's the exact odor at Pennsic of portocastles in the morning just after the sanitizing truck has gone by... At Pennsic, I actually welcome that smell. I don't much care for it on my baby's bottom. Or my hands after cleaning him.

But if you're throwing yourself a Pennsic Pity Party this year, pop open some Target "Fresh Baby Scent" wipes and leave them in your bathroom.


Tomorrow I turn 32. My sister sent me a package of three nicely wrapped CD-shaped presents. I'm trying very hard not to go ahead and open them to see if they're the jazz and blues compilations I want. Carole is always willing to steer me away from Jethro Tull and Fairport Convention :) But I will get to open a few gifts today. My parents are driving up to visit before they fly to Norway later this afternoon. Granted, I already know what they bought me (Mom called from Sam's Club last week to ask about what kind of new cookware I wanted) but it's still something to unwrap :)


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