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July 24, 2003 - 9:37 p.m.

I wish there were a lazy way to mark new diary entries to be read later. I'm too damn tired to read tonight. This is why parents are dull and go to bed by 10pm - their children suck the life out of them.

I love my boys but, good god, some days I think they will kill me.

And if they don't, the morons on I95 will.

Before moving to northern Virginia, I frequently bemoaned the deplorable drive on I64 - 4 lanes, few useful exits, pissy drivers in the other cars... In the past I64 has had more than it's fair share of road rage incidents including a guy who shot another driver for cutting him off. But perhaps I was fortunate that I never encountered much worse than 25 mile backups for traffic headed to Busch Gardens and closed rest areas. This morning on I95, on the other hand, delivered: a cadillac from New Jersey who shot into my lane a credit card width from my bumper and then slammed on the brakes; a toyota that attempted to defy the laws of the universe and merge into a space my minivan was already occupying, forcing me onto the left shoulder a few dozen feet from the bridge over the Rappahannock River (then he stuck his hand out the window and waved); a complete idiot on 123 outside Occoquan (yes, not 95, but connected to it) who couldn't read the construction worker's STOP sign and nearly drove into oncoming traffic (i.e. me); and a partridge in a pear tree (damn weird sight on the highway, subject to much rubbernecking).

A cup of coffee would be lovely right now but my parents don't truck with that sort of thing. There's some Earl Grey around here somewhere... or is it Earl Gray? I have a more difficult time keeping that straight than "lay" or "lie."

This is what happens to The Bookgirl when she's 150 miles from her books... complete mental shutdown.

Or maybe I'm just tired.

10pm. Time for bed, dull parent...


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