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August 06, 2003 - 1:43 p.m.

Queen Elizabeth I
You were Elizabeth I!

You were born in 1533 in Greenwich,
the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.
Your father had your mother executed when you
were just three. Talk about a dysfunctional
family! You were very much sought after as a
bride, since your father's will made plain that
you were heir to the throne of England. Once
you became queen, you never married. Only you
know why really, but there are a couple
theories. One is that you grew to hate
marriage after seeing your father's misfortune
with it. Another is that you were in love with
Robert Dudley but could never marry him. You
did, after all, keep his last letter in your
desk. You were a powerful leader, truly a force
to be reckoned with. Your half-sister, Mary
Queen of Scots, became a threat later in your
life and so you had her executed. Your navy
defeated the previously invincible Spanish
Armada, and indeed England became one of the
most powerful naval nations in the world. You
died in 1603 and were succeeded by your
nephew--Mary's son--James.

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