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August 07, 2003 - 8:33 a.m.

My boys are crabby.

Marcus cut his first upper tooth this week. Compared to Zachary, who didn't have any teeth at all until just before his 1st birthday, he's not really behind the curve. But he's had those two bottom teeth alone for months now. And I can see all of his upper teeth (even the eye teeth) just below the gums, ready to push through. He won't let me examine the lower gums. He's fickle and very prone to fussing right now.

Zachary's problem is lack of sleep. His eczema is under better control than it has been all summer but, for reasons that are not quite clear, he doesn't want to sleep at night. His 3 and 5 am visits are more infrequent now but last night it was well after 10pm before he finally fell asleep and made no more trips into the living room. I hda to sit by his bed and hold his hand until he drifted off. He was fighting it, too - every time the effort to keep his eyelids open became too much, he'd close them a second and then try to shake himself awake.

Naturally, he was up at 7 this morning. Marcus was awake at 6:45. I really need to teach these kids the art of sleeping in...


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