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August 29, 2003 - 11:29 a.m.

updated 11:30 am

I rearranged all the toolbars on my web browser and now I can't find anything.... Serves me right for changing a decent system.

After two weeks of funk, I'm finally dragging myself back out to the gym in the mornings, so I'm getting back on track for the lose weight/tone up goals I set last month. I'm really having to start all over again, which bites, but I have my new workout music and mp3 player now to keep me motivated. The Weather Channel doesn't set much of a pace for me.

When I got back to the apartment, the boys were already up and finishing breakfast... well, Marcus was finishing breakfast. Zachary has always preferred beverages over solid food and we're trying to break that habit. He refused to eat his cereal and now has to wait until lunch - no snacking allowed. Needless to say, he's grumpy. It's the season of temper tantrums...

We watched the Disney Channel a few minutes, where I was surprised to catch a glimpse of moustache in a Sleeping Beauty outtake. (Apologies if the comparison has already been drawn sometime in the past. I can be awfully slow on the uptake sometimes...) And does anyone else think that this character looks a lot like blueduke?

And (on a whiplash change of topic) an interesting bit of trivia courtesy of the Fairfax Public Library newsletter...

Books are one of the most common items collected by people who suffer from hoarding compulsion. Psychologist James M. Clairborn defines hoarding as "acquiring and keeping objects to such an extent that it impairs the normal use of one's living space." The Fairfax County Residential Hoarding Task Force warns that the behavior "creates serious fire and health hazards."

Hoarding symptoms appear in nearly one-third of the patients who have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Although hoarding compulsion may manifest at any age, it's witnessed more frequently among the elderly, and may be associated with other forms of mental illness such as Diogenes' Syndrome or dementia. Hoarders rarely seek help on their own, but once referred for professional treatment, are often helped by cognitive behavior therapy combined with medication.

Update: I haven't done "The Friday Five" in a while, so while the boys are eating lunch...

  1. Are you going to school this year?
    No, I have plans to get back to graduate school sometime for my masters of Library Science but that is still a few years in the future...
  2. If yes, where are you going (high school, college, etc.)? If no, when did you graduate?
    I graduated high school in 1989 and college (Greensboro) in 1993.
  3. What are/were your favorite school subjects?
    I enjoyed History, my first year of German, Drama, Psychology and Sociology, Geometry, and Political Science.
  4. What are/were your least favorite school subjects?
    I was never fond of Algebra, Trigonometry, or Calculus. My second and third years of German were torturous (which makes me wonder why I went on to a third year). And I might have given my eye teeth to get out of Phys. Ed.
  5. Have you ever had a favorite teacher? Why was he/she a favorite?
    My 11th grade American History teacher, Mr. Gray, was hands-down my favorite teacher. He loved his subject and loved teaching and his enthusiasm carried over to us. By the end of the year my class had discovered how easy it was to get Mr. Gray off the lesson plan and onto a tangent and many of us took an unusual interest in current events to derail what might have been a less-than-riveting hour on 19th century America - which meant he was still teaching us ;) A couple years after I graduated I learned that he had left the classroom to move into administration - a sad loss to future students.


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