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September 02, 2003 - 2:37 p.m.

Want to wear a couple children out? Take them to the Herndon Jazz Festival and walk them around - a lot. We had two exhausted little boys by the end of the day. Kevin and Jake invited us to accompany them for an afternoon of cool music and optional wine tasting. Marcus had the privilege of riding in the stroller most of the time because he walks much slower than everyone else, is small enough to be easily stepped on or lost, and has become extremely heavy to carry for extended periods of time. (I haven't weighed him lately, but yesterday I could swear he's pushing 30 pounds.) Only when Zachary became too tired to walk straight, resulting in some scuffed elbows and knees, did he get to switch places with his baby brother - who was all too eager to walk.

Yeah - Mike and I were wiped out by the end of the day, too. We put the boys to bed and vegged the rest of the evening.

I'm looking forward to Friday. bhawk has arranged a little reunion of The Group (tm) for lunch in Richmond. I met bhawk, puck-eater, and a couple other guys who have not jumped on the diaryland phenomenon bandwagon half a lifetime ago (literally - and that's kind of scary) and ended up spending Friday nights rolling dice and comparing DCVs with them. But we haven't seen each other as much as we used to. Real Life (tm) became more of an obstacle as we got older and last time it took a funeral to get us all into one place. I'm glad this will be a happier occasion.

And I can use it as an excuse for an overnight at my parents'. Washing clothes, packing... It's already Tuesday! Holiday weekends so mess me up...


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