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September 10, 2003 - 3:20 p.m.

Nothing makes you feel thinner like a new pair of jeans.

I was invited on a little shopping trip to Cosco by love2fly this morning. It wasn't my intention to buy anything except those huge apple/oatmeal muffins in the bakery department. I even avoided the books! We are, after all, buying a house at the end of the month. I must be thrifty. But we ended up on the DVD aisle and...

They had the box set Stargate SG-1 season 4. $39.99. Bonus audio commentary for every episode. Only two left.

I am so weak.

love2fly (aka Mrs. foxphotog) also picked up an exercise dvd to counter the "Pilates for Dummies" we're starting. We procrastinated too long to sign up for the class at the Herndon Rec Center and have decided to do it on our own - which is a good thing because I seem to have hit a brick wall in my weight loss. Maybe I ought to hit the gym daily. Maybe I ought to drink more water. In any case, I've decided to ignore the scale a while and just concentrate on comfortably fitting into one size smaller of a pair of levi's straight legs...

Or at least not be afraid to put them into the drier.


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