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November 02, 2003 - 9:21 a.m.

We had a wonderful time at Crown this weekend. Apologies to everyone that I didn't get to see or talk to. I was that red and white blur chasing the red and blue blurs that are my children. Zachary and Marcus loved the tournament - so much that they constantly wanted to get into the list. Zachary settled for time in Aradd's lap, between his bye bouts. Marcus realized he was lacking the proper equipment and toddled off to the merchants to check out the rattan for sale. (No, we didn't buy him any.)

We couldn't stay long after the tournament. When the list fence came down we lost our only boundary to keep the boys off the field and there were pickups and melees going on. We packed the boys back into the car quickly and headed off to Pierce's Barbeque for dinner with eadan, Zachary's godmother and a good friend we haven't seen for a while. Much fun.

Today we begin moving things over to the new house. We're starting with our garage, which will probably take most of the day and probably tomorrow evening. But we want to get all of that stuff cleared out to have a staging area for moving boxes out of the apartment. I began taping boxes back together this morning, but ran out of packing tape after only 4. That cleared about 2 shelves of books... Not much. And 1.5 cf boxes are too big to fill with books. You can't lift them. So you have to half fill them. So you can't stack them. Insanity, I tell you.

My new washer and dryer arrive today, too. Woot! Eadan has the same set and affirmed my purchase yesterday. I can't wait! (Yeah - you know you're an adult when you're excited about new appliances.)

Much to do...


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