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November 03, 2003 - 12:14 p.m.

It's warming up to be quite a week.

For one - it's in the mid-seventies again today. I don't think this counts as "indian summer" since there hasn't been a frost (that I've noticed). Dare I hope for a fair weather move? Bets that 11/18 will be pouring down rain?

Sears delivered the new washer and dryer last night - 30 minutes late and with the great-grandmother of all dents in the washer. It was so bad the door wouldn't close. The deliverymen couldn't seem to understand why we didn't want it. Actually, they couldn't understand a lot. There were all kinds of communication problems.

Then they tried to tell Mike he needed to call an electrician to change the dryer outlet from the 3-prong to a 4-prong.

Delivery Guy: You have wrong outlet.
Mike: No, you have the wrong cord.

This went on for a while.

And they forgot the vent tubing.

All of this resulted in approximately 45 minutes of phone calls back to Sears to reschedule delivery of a new washer and convincing these people that, according to Whirlpool, it doesn't make a freaking bit of difference if we use a 3 or 4 prong electrical cord. And yes, bring us the damn vent tubing. I think we were passed off to someone else about 6 times and hung up on 3 times before we finally got the issue settled.

We'll see on Thursday.

Today I took my car over to Oilstop to find out what they could do about the problem they caused with the oil pan cap on my car. (Yes, I procrastinate.) Of course, the manager wasn't in so I have to go back. For once, I can't find my receipt and I worry, even though they have computer records, that it's going to make my argument shaky. One of the mechanics, however, let slip that two guys had just been fired for messing up customers' automobiles and I hope that will be in my favor if I make enough of a fuss....


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