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November 06, 2003 - 9:51 a.m.

Stand back. Somebody's going to get hurt.

I was not present Sunday for the complete fiasco when Sears brought a severely dented Whirlpool duet washing machine. To keep the boys from getting underfoot, I had driven them back to the apartment shortly after the delivery truck arrived. So, as I was talking to Mike last night, he mentioned something new about our screwed up delivery - Sears insisted, for the sake of paperwork, to take back everything, not just the damaged washer. Mike had argued with them on Sunday to leave the pedestals and dryer, since they were in good condition but they assured him their way was better. Paperwork. My conversations with the dispatcher, however, had intimated otherwise.

Anyone else's spidey sense going off?

So I called this morning - just a courtesy call to confirm what was on the truck en route to my house. You guessed it - they were only bringing a washer.

In with the Gandhi, out with the guy in the clocktower.

The dispatcher informed me their records claimed the dryer had already been delivered. They had no mention of the pedestals. I retorted, through clenched teeth, that nothing had been delivered on Sunday - on their insistence. We wanted them. They had refused. All the dispatcher could say was "oh."

So I cancelled today's delivery and rescheduled for the earliest date they could bring everything I bought - Sunday again. And, no, no one had included the rather important note that the dryer required the standard 3-prong electrical cord not the 4-prong stove cord they brought before. I made sure the dispatcher added that to the delivery order this time. Mike, however, doesn't want to miss another football game and called them back to change the delivery to Monday. Fine with me - he's taking the time off work to be at the house to receive it.

Asking to speak with a manager has, so far, gotten us nowhere. Management is "unavailable" and supposed to call us back. Bastards.

I will never never never never never never never never never buy another appliance at Sears. I highly recommend that you don't either. I paid over $2300 for this washer and dryer set and if it arrives with so much as a scratch on Monday I am going to insist on a full refund and will go elsewhere... This kind of incompetence is ridiculous.


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