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November 10, 2003 - 10:30 p.m.

Well, you knew it had to happen. When we moved out of Midlothian, it was the hottest effin' day of the summer. When we moved out of Virginia Beach, a huge mucking snowstorm forced us to push our move day up with only a couple hours of notice. This time we have to deal with another force of nature: the flu.

Zachary is the worst right now. He woke up with a fever and cough and spent a great deal of the day on the couch, resisting the Tylenol I poured into him and drinking a lot of juice. After we put him to bed, Mike took his place, complaining of a headache and chills. I expect Marcus to come down with it tomorrow.

I'm not allowed to get sick. I am maintaining the frail hope that the headache and achiness I suffered through over the weekend, which I ascribed to side effects of my flu shot on Friday, was really this bug and I've already fought it off...

More likely, Zack caught something Saturday at the Urgent Care in Fairfax while being treated for an eczema related infection (always fun) and we brought it back to enjoy. I took him back to the doctor today, just to be sure the fever wasn't a symptom of something gone wrong but it appears to be a bug. If it's bacterial, the antibiotics he's already taking will kill it. If it's viral, it will run it's course.

In any case, we have less than a week to overcome it... I'm going to bed to get as much rest as I can.


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