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November 12, 2003 - 9:15 p.m.

We're still alive.

Zachary's fever finally fell and vanished this evening. He has a cough still but he's returned to his usual, active self. The past two days he's spent most of his time curled up on the couch, watching Baby Einstein videos and drinking diluted juice, cranky and miserable. I put Marcus on a 2 nap schedule to keep him rested and slightly quarantined. So far he's shown no sign of fever... but he has started to cough. Mike went in to work for the afternoon and collapsed soon after getting home. He's already in bed, dosed with Nyquil and hoping that tomorrow will be a better day. So far, I've dodged the whole mess and even managed to pack a few more boxes of books and cookware. I credit my health to love2fly's homemade chicken soup and geniealisa's flowers. Those were meant to be a housewarming gift, but they've done well to brighten up the sick ward of our apartment.

In more good news, this morning Sears finally got the delivery of my new washer and dryer right and the issue is settled - I hope. There's a nagging fear in the back of my mind that something else is bound to go wrong... After Monday's delivery was incomplete again, I was ready to take my receipts back to Sears and demand a full refund, but they seduced Mike to the dark side with a $200 "inconvenience" gift card. He really wants a table saw for Christmas and I think he decided giving Sears one more chance was a fair trade for making holiday shopping easier.

Whatever we spend it on, we won't have the damned thing delivered.


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