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2001-06-22 - 10:33 a.m.

Balynar, Gen, and Bryce have all addressed who would be cast in the feature movie of their lives. While talking with Matt yesterday, I came up with the idea to do the same, with a twist.

My Saturday Morning Cartoon

Me- Betty Rubble
Mike (Colin) - King Zandor of the Herculoids
Zachary - Bam Bam
Rich (Aradd) - The Tick
Gabrielle (Eadan) - Lucy van Pelt
Matt (Rolf) - Bugs Bunny
Byron (Gunther) - The Bear in the Big Blue House
(not really animated, I know)
Susie (Susanna) - Wonder Woman
Jason (Andrew) - Yakko Warner
Shannon (Sorcha) - Dot Warner
Ike - Johnny Bravo
Mike (Sir Corby) - Heckle and/or Jeckle
Kirsten (Thjora) - Wilma Flintstone.

And, of course, the Powerpuff Girls as Gen and company and Danger Mouse as Alan. With a special appearance of Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale as Jeremy and Genie.

Apologies to anyone I left out. This casting stuff ain't easy.

But if there must be a film with live actors, then I suppose it would star Conan O'Brien as Mike and Carla Gugino (starred in Snake Eyes with Nick Cage) as me :)


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