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2001-06-22 - 1:35 p.m.

Argh! Brain freeze! I know there is something fairly important that I'm supposed to be doing today... and I can't for the life of me think of what it should be...

Zack has an upset stomach today, so we nipped over to Target to pick up some pedialyte, which took far too long to locate, and loose powder to replace the container with which he had sprinkled the bathroom floor last week. When we finally found the pedialyte, it was next to some stuff called "PediaSure," a nutritional supplement drink for toddlers. What the hell. He lives off yogurt and cheerios right now. He can use all the supplement he can get. A little impulse shopping is good for you in times like these.

My husband did the same yesterday - two new shirts for me in colors he likes me to wear. Brighter than what I'd buy, but Mike has better fashion taste than I. And that, folks, takes care of the impulse buying until we can go nuts over pool supplies in a few weeks.

The pool is my only lurking worry about the new house, particularly in light of the drowning last week of that 4 year old at a birthday party. Zack's birthday is midwinter, thank God. I'll just have to time his sibling(s) between October and March. And sink the required $300 into a pool alarm.

But, as a temporary distraction, Mike got a rough floorplan of the new house so I can get the graph paper and pencils and start working on where to put our furniture next month. Though the house is larger than ours, it's divided into more rooms, requiring a complete redesign of our lifestyle. In another year or so we hope to do a little remodeling to open up the downstairs space and expand the master bath.

And I promised a pic of the "sold" sign, didn't I? Well, I do have the image. I just can't find the necessary cables to hook the camera to the computer for upload. We think they're in one of the boxes we already packed and stored. My apologies.

Oh, my. I'm currently watching the movers for the house down the street pull up to load their stuff... onto the lawn. Most movers told me that they don't like to pull into asphalt driveways, which both we and our neighbors have, but on the grass? To make it all more perilous, the house is above the street. I hope that thing has a hell of a parking brake...


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