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2001-06-23 - 8:51 a.m.

Finally made a dent in the paperwork for University at Bordervale Keep. Now that the house is sold, I can keep the mess out and organized. There were so many new students at this one, it took three evenings just to add them to the database. Only one or two completely illegible forms this time. At least no one used calligraphy. That really drives me nuts

Colin and Aradd are off to Storvik today - likely to come home drenched again. Are we trying to live up to the "Atlantis" theme this year? So I'm not about to take Zack out there to get soaked and there's too much to do around here anyway. If it doesn't start pouring this morning, I'm off to pick up my Dad to assist in getting packing boxes. Bryce and Balynar have agreed to let me have theirs when they're done, but I'm guessing that they have a little less stuff than me. The movers estimated about 3 dozen boxes for my books. Glad I weeded last winter!

The advantage of all the rain this year is that the yard looks great. My daylilies are at peak right now and I expect all that came up to bloom. (I seem to be missing some, but I moved them around so much last fall that I'm not sure where they all are anymore.) I've already started marking some at my Dad's for the new house.

My Dad is into plants like I am into books. My mother calls their yard "the jungle." There's very little grass to cut anymore. Nearly all the property is a mulchbed. It's gorgeous this time of year, when everything is in bloom. It requires a good deal of time to care for it, but Dad's retired. He spends spring and summer in the yard, fall and winter reading his books. Great life, eh? A few times a month, he volunteers at the county extension office to take calls about gardening and yard questions. I think it's wonderful that Zack has a grandfather who can identify trees by their bark and birds high in flight by their silhouette against the sky.

Zack wants to computer now ...


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