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2001-07-02 - 12:08 p.m.

It's a lovely day for July. I turned off the air conditioner this morning and opened the windows - much to the delight of my son and my dog. I think I may take Zack to the zoo this afternoon after his nap...

The utility office in Virginia Beach lost power this morning, so I haven't been able to open an account yet. I imagine that when the power does finally come back on, they're going to be swamped with calls. Ugh. I hate waiting on hold.

Mike and I packed up the dining room and most of the den this weekend. We had also aimed to get the guestroom done, since the dressers up there are packed with books, pictures, and other things that need to be removed. Clothing and linens can stay in them, but no one wants to lift those things with a dozen high school and college annuals in the drawers. But we skipped out on it last night, went to my mother's house for some excellent peach cobbler and rented the "Dune" series that the Sci Fi channel ran a year or so ago. Mike and I can be very bad influences on each other when it comes to slacking.

The whole moving melancholy is back in force today, too. Motivation is hard to conjure.


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