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January 09, 2002 - 11:29 p.m.

Yes, I'm a slacker. Almost a week and no entry. But I've been.. overwhelmed. Really. Honestly (and a bunch of other adverbs), the I'm looking at this pile of things in my mind (figuratively looking, of course - my eyes don't roll back that way... not without heavy doses of black russians and I'm not allowed to drink right now and if I did it wouldn't be black russians because they've made me sick to even think about ever since...

Note to self - don't write diary entries after 10:30 pm.

Anyway, to explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up...

Saturday was 12th Night. I went to the event knowing that my husband would be put on vigil, knowing that he'd be called up in first court, knowing that he'd be sitting in the snow all afternoon and knighted before feast. I did not know that their Majesties would be calling me into court beforehand to award me a Golden Dolphin... (not to readers not in the SCA - this is an award, not a pet) ... So Colin and I were right giddy through the weekend. I remember sitting with Eadan during the feast, watching Aradd and Colin going to fetch us something to drink, and admiring the white belts on them. Colin wrote some beautiful things about me in his diary recently. Every Valentine's Day I've asked him for a love letter and this surpasses them all. I wish I could put together something like it for him, but tonight I'm rambling too much and my mind has been tapped by too many mundane things this week.

I guess I'll be the one laboring over sonnets this Valentine's...

Anyway, we were watching them, probably feeling as proud of them as they. It was quite a moment and I'm completely at a loss to describe it.


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