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January 14, 2002 - 10:19 a.m.

Cuteness is a two year old with his feet in the air, counting his toes. "One, two, sree, four.... eightnineten!" Tickled at his own cleverness, he curls up in giggles.

This week was supposed to be the great potty training adventure, but he's a in cranky mood and I have no desire to make it worse by taking his diapies away. He's been throwing toys around the den and the kitchen. I finally got fed up with flying puzzle pieces and took them away from him. That resulted in quite a temper tantrum.

But back to cute: Mike told Zack the other day that there's a baby in Momma's belly. Zack seems to think that I'm just keeping it under my shirt and keeps lifting the hem to look. He pokes a little finger at my stomach and grins, "Baby!"


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