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January 14, 2002 - 8:53 p.m.

Zack's eczema flared up today so he got to take a nice oatmeal bath tonight before bed. He loves playing in the water and it's nearly impossible to get him out of the tub without bribery. Once that ordeal was over with and he was dry and coated in baby lotion, he noticed his potty.

"Pa-ee! Poo-poo!" And he went over and sat down.

Wonderful, I thought to myself, now I just need to encourage him and leave it someplace prominent. And he sat on the potty a few minutes, talking all the while about what it was for, but did not seem to be interested in actually using it. Then he got up, walked out into the hallway and urinated on carpet.

"No, sweetpea, in the potty!" I picked him up and sat him on the potty again, but he just sat there and babbled again, got up and finished what he began a minute or two before - same spot.

Hell with it. I just got a diaper on him as quickly as possible.

I've been told that a few pees sans diaper are enough to persuade toddlers to go in the potty rather than on themselves, but he's got a rather good... umm... arc. I think he finds it funny to watch. Just my luck.


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