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January 31, 2002 - 1:02 p.m.

Just a quick note while I wait for Zack to drift off to napland.

It's been a hell of a morning. I'm trying to get laundry done and clean the house a bit and Zack is "helping." His idea of giving me a hand is putting the folded clothes back into the laundry basket and carpeting the den floor with baby wipes - the new box I just bought.


At least he's learned to hold the dustpan for me when I sweep and to throw trash away... I hope that's all he's throwing in the trash can.

Tonight I start printing University rosters and sorting them. I have a teeny little ink jet printer that will hold about 10 printed pages at a time before dumping them all onto the floor, so the whole process requires constant vigilance otherwise everything's out of order. Have to wait for Zack to go to bed before that can begin. He's been enough help today :)


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