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January 31, 2002 - 9:20 p.m.

Mike and I returned from my ultrasound a few hours ago and here's the latest...

It's (probably) a boy!

I wish I had some cool images to post, but this technician didn't get the clear pictures that we had with Zachary, nor is there a great profile shot or anything really recognizable as a baby. But he's there and, so far as we can tell, in good physical shape. And that's enough for us right now.

My mother is a little disappointed. She was rooting for a granddaughter. And everyone is a little surprised. All of us had a "gut feeling" that this baby was a girl. Even the "ancient Chinese gender predictor" claimed so.

But I always said I only wanted boys.

My mother reminds me of that frequently when Zack is up to his ears in trouble. She swears girls don't go those sorts of things. My father says she has a selective memory. (She must - I wasn't a particularly wild kid and even I nearly set the house on fire -- twice.)

The size of the baby also prompted the nurse to adjust my due date five days to June 25. It occurs to me that a July 4 baby isn't an unreasonable possibility, but I doubt I want to stay pregnant that long!


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