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February 19, 2002 - 2:32 p.m.

There are only two certainties in life... and one of them is going to kill me.

I've been working on our taxes for a whopping hour now and already I've had it. If I hadn't already paid $25 on software, I'd be packing it all up and heading out to the nearest tax prep shack and handing it all over to someone else.

I do wish my uncle weren't so ill right now. He used to do this sort of thing in his sleep. I never called him for tax advice (though I got the occasional scolding when I hadn't filed by April 1) because that seemed to be taking advantage of familial contacts. But if he weren't in the hospital, I'd already be on the phone.

Some of the stuff is easy enough, but the sale of our house and some of the complications that went with that have me completely befuddled. Is a 1098 income or a refund of interest paid, and, if so, do you claim it as income or just deduct it from your 1099s?

Somebody get William Howard Taft on the ouiji board. I've got a few choice words for him.


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