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February 19, 2002 - 11:38 p.m.

It's done: entered, reviewed, and electronically filed :)

There's a nice feeling about finishing something so onerous and getting it all overwith. After dinner and Zachary's bedtime, Mike and I sat down and got organized and finished our taxes.

This has got to be the earliest we've ever filed, but with the baby on the way, I wanted to know what we could expect to pay or receive well in advance.

And speaking of the baby - my mother bought him a crib today. Zachary's is one of those that converts from crib to toddler bed to twin and we had debated a while over moving him out of it. A toddler bed is much less expensive than another crib. But my mother's biggest regret about my own toddlerhood was moving me out of my crib to accommodate my baby sister. She believes this made my adjustment to a new sibling a lot harder. (Being 19 months old at the time, I don't remember much of it.) Mom even bought a mattress for it, too. She says that Zachary's brother will get to use a lot of Zack's old things - his swing, his bouncer, his highchair, and she wanted to get him something new. (This crib also converts, so there's no future worries about toddler beds.)

I owe her one hell of a Mother's Day present.

One of those things about parenthood - it makes you appreciate your own parents all the more.


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