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February 21, 2002 - 2:06 p.m.

Zachary didn't even want a book before his nap today. The kid's pooped (but would still get a giggle out of the word pooped if he were awake right now).

This morning we drove over the MacArthur Center to buy him some new shoes. The one piece of his wardrobe that I'm really picky about are his shoes. Got to be Stride Rites. And this mall is the nearest place to buy them.

I used to take him to Tootsies in Midlothian - a quiet little Mom and Pop shop at Coalfield Rd and Rt. 60. Nice people. If you live in the Richmond area, go there :) But now I have to go to the mall.

I'm not fond of malls. Too big. But Mike works only a short walk away, so it's a good excuse to combine shopping with lunch and the food court (or - as my Granddaddy would say - the "gastric gulch") is flanked by a large children's play area and those little cars that cost $.50 to bounce up and down.

Zachary is very fond of those cars. He runs over, climbs in, and starts tugging on my purse for quarters. Last time I visited my parents, we dropped by Lowe's and it took a lot of persuasion to convince him that the riding lawnmowers weren't toys.

By the time we sat down and ate lunch with Daddy, the place is crawling with other children and we turned Zack loose in the play area to socialize under Mike's supervision while I went to get ice cream. Zachary was having so much fun, even "cookies 'n cream" couldn't entice him away. It did attract one other little toddler, though, who wandered over and tried to look cute and hungry.

I'll have to take him back again soon - or at least find someplace like it closer to home.


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