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July 20, 2003 - 11:12 p.m.

Woot! I've lost 2 pounds! I'm about 2,162 situps away from having the body of a greek goddess... And I'm going to need the stamina.

Marcus is walking.

He took his first steps on Wednesday, although, at the time, I'm certain he wasn't aware of what he was doing. He was just cruising along and then forgot to hold on the sofa. He took about four steps before he lost his balance. This weekend, after some prodding, he's figured it all out and is rather gung ho about practice.

Next week he'll be running. I'm am so in for it.

I did score a little escapism yesterday. Shannon and foxphotog watched the boys while Mike and I went to see The Curse of the Black Pearl. If there's one thing I dig as much as a good swashbuckler novel, it's a good pirate movie. And this one, trust me, is a good pirate movie - right down to the score, which is fabulous. The action never became tiresome, the pace was well set, and my god it was fun to watch. I would have liked a bit more detail on the curse but was so grateful some bone-headed director didn't choose to illustrate Barbossa's monologue about it with some senseless montage that I can forgive a few questions at the end. And I loved the choice of naming him Barbossa, similar to Barbarossa - a nice twist to what could have been a clich� pirate moniker.

And Orlando Bloom looks much better without elf ears :)

I mentioned my excitement over the whole film to educaitlin who informed me that I would make a "cute pirate."

Cute? Arr! Pirates aren't cute! Here be five feet and one inch of pony-tailed menace, me bucko!


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